


どうも~ M2のMingluです~

12月10日から12日にかけて12th International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Programming (PAAP’21)が開催されました。

当研究室ではMingluがtrack05: Big Data Processing and Deep Learningにて研究成果を発表しました。

Minglu had a presentation at PAAP’21

Hello there. This is Minglu.

12th International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Programming (PAAP’21) was held from Dec. 10th to 12th.
PAAP is an international conference for scientists and engineers in academia and industry to present their research results and development activities in all aspects of parallel architectures, algorithms and programming techniques.
You can find the details here. Program

In our lab., Minglu had a presentation at the track05: Big Data Processing and Deep Learning.


3月当時は、muffinはFPGAのstratix10用のサーバとしてスタートしましたが、GPUのNVIDIA A100、そしてVEのSX-Aurora TSUBASA Type 20Bの合計3種類のアクセラレータを搭載した珍しい構成のマシンになりました。近年の異種プロセッサを複数搭載し、複雑化するHPCシステムの情勢を反映したような構成になり、今後の異種プロセッサ混合システムの研究で活躍してくれそうです。



今年の11月14日から19日にかけて、International Conference for High-Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC21)が開催されました。




A high-performance tensor-based simulator for random quantum circuits [1]
An extension of the Message Passing Interface to enable high-performance implementations of distributed quantum algorithms [2]

A unified programming model for constraint satisfaction problems that can be mapped to both quantum circuit and annealing devices through QUBOs [3]

A scalable performance prediction toolkit for GPUs [4]
In-depth analyses of unified virtual memory system for GPU accelerated computing [5]



  1. Liu, Yong, et al. “Closing the” quantum supremacy” gap: achieving real-time simulation of a random quantum circuit using a new Sunway supercomputer.” Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis. 2021.
  2. Häner, Thomas, et al. “Distributed Quantum Computing with QMPI.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.01109 (2021).
  3. Wilson, Ellis, Frank Mueller, and Scott Pakin. “Mapping Constraint Problems onto Quantum Gate and Annealing Devices.”
  4. Arafa, Yehia, et al. “Hybrid, scalable, trace-driven performance modeling of GPGPUs.” Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis. 2021.
  5. Allen, Tyler, and Rong Ge. “In-depth analyses of unified virtual memory system for GPU accelerated computing.” Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis. 2021.

About attending SC21

The International Conference for High-Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC21) was held from Nov. 14th to 19th this year.

Similar to last year, Tohoku University had a booth page including posters and videos about our research.

The detailed booth information is shown here.

Although there is no presentation made by lab members this year, students in our lab still actively attended the conference and shared interesting topics or presentations in the lab seminar.

Interesting Topics
A high-performance tensor-based simulator for random quantum circuits [1]
An extension of the Message Passing Interface to enable high-performance implementations of distributed quantum algorithms [2]

A unified programming model for constraint satisfaction problems that can be mapped to both quantum circuit and annealing devices through QUBOs [3]

A scalable performance prediction toolkit for GPUs [4]
In-depth analyses of unified virtual memory system for GPU accelerated computing [5]

Hope that in the future, there will be opportunities for our lab members to present research at such top-level conferences.


  1. Liu, Yong, et al. “Closing the” quantum supremacy” gap: achieving real-time simulation of a random quantum circuit using a new Sunway supercomputer.” Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis. 2021.
  2. Häner, Thomas, et al. “Distributed Quantum Computing with QMPI.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.01109 (2021).
  3. Wilson, Ellis, Frank Mueller, and Scott Pakin. “Mapping Constraint Problems onto Quantum Gate and Annealing Devices.”
  4. Arafa, Yehia, et al. “Hybrid, scalable, trace-driven performance modeling of GPGPUs.” Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis. 2021.
  5. Allen, Tyler, and Rong Ge. “In-depth analyses of unified virtual memory system for GPU accelerated computing.” Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis. 2021.

The access control system is complete!

I am Shuhei Sugawara, a first year Takizawa trainee.
In light of the recent situation, we have created a system to record the arrival and departure status of students in the laboratory, and have recently started operation.
Previously, we had to write down the entry and exit times of each person on a spreadsheet, but now we can use the touch keys in the lab to automatically fill in the information, which I think is much easier and less time-consuming.
It was more difficult than I expected due to various problems and improvements before the system was up and running, but it is now working successfully thanks to the cooperation of the lab members. Thank you very much!
For now, only lab members can use it, but we are planning to improve it so that guests can also use it, so please try it out when you visit our lab!



滝沢研修士1年の菅原駿平です。 昨今の情勢を鑑みて、研究室への入退室状況の記録を取るためのシステムを作り、先日稼働を開始しました。 これまではスプレッドシートに各々の入退室時間を記入していましたが、研究室のタッチキーを用いて自動で記入できるようになったため、手間が減って楽になったと思います。 稼働までに様々な不具合や改善点があり思ったより苦戦してしまいましたが、研究室メンバーの協力により現在は無事動作しています。ありがとうございます! 今はまだ研究室メンバーしか使うことができませんが、ご来賓の方も使えるよう改善する予定なので、研究室にお越しの際にはぜひ使ってみてください!



こんにちは.M2 のしも (古畑) です。とうとう当研究室にも例の黄色い高水圧洗浄機がやってきました。早速、組み立てて使ってみました。なんということでしょう!床を覆っていた埃がなくなって、きれいな床が見えますよ!ピカピカです!これからの掃除がお手軽になりそうですね。今後の活躍にも注目です!

The book written by Prof. Takizawa (co-author), will be released soon!

The book “Software Auto-Tuning: Code Optimization Techniques for Scientific and Technical Computing” authored by Prof. Hiroyuki Takizawa (co-author) will be released soon! The book introduces the principles and usage of each tool for software auto-tuning. We recommend this for your research or lectures to improve your work!