Hello world! Xavier

Hello there, I’m Aoyagi, a 4th-year undergraduate (B4) student.
As a part of ‘skill map’ training for new B4 students, each person gets one jetson Xavier.

Xavier, Xavier, Xavier♪♪
Have you ever heard Xavier before♪♪
That’s the same spelling as that Xavier♪♪
What a surprise, Xavier♪♪

Although this Xavier, the Nvidia’s missionary, has the almost same size as Rasberry pi, it has a GPU inside.
Xavier is definitely much powerful than its appearance.
After installing the OS, we tried to let it learn the MNIST dataset.
Xavier says, ‘No sweat!’ And his fan was not even rotated.

Okay there. It seems like we have to write some tough programs to make it sweats!

Welcome to Takizawa Lab, Singularity!

Hi, I am Furuhata a.k.a “shimo”.
A type of container environment, Singularity, is installed on the Lab’s servers.
(I spent the whole golden week (the long vacation in Japan) for it.)

Singularity is often compared to The “BLUE WHALE”.
The reason our lab chose the Singularity instead of docker is that Singularity can be ran without root permission.
Also, since Singularity is the container designed for HPC, we can actually use it in the supercomputer systems.

I strongly hope that Singularity could enhance labmate’s productivity and manage servers easier.
The father/mother of Singularity  -> https://sylabs.io/


M2 の”しも”こと古畑です。
コンテナ型仮想環境のひとつである Singularity が研究室の計算機に導入されました。

よく比較されるであろう、例の青いクジラと Singularity の大きい違いとしては、

Singularity が研究室の生産性向上とサーバ管理の簡便化に貢献してくれることを、切実に願います!
Singularity の 生みの親 -> https://sylabs.io/

COOL Chips 24において劉さんが発表

4月14日から16日にかけて、2021 IEEE Symposium on Low-Power and High-Speed Chips and Systems (COOL Chips 24)が開催されました。
今年のCOOL Chipsは、COVID-19の影響でオンライン開催となりました。

本研究室からは、博士1年の劉 佳恒(リュウ カコウ)さんがポスター発表を行いました。

  • Jiaheng Liu, Ryusuke Egawa, Mulya Agung, and Hiroyuki Takizawa. “A Conflict-Aware Capacity Control Mechanism for Deep Cache Hierarchy.” 2021 IEEE Symposium on Low-Power and High-Speed Chips and Systems (COOL Chips 24). [プログラム]


Liu made a presentation at COOL Chips 24

Hello, this is Liu from Takizawa Lab.

2021 IEEE Symposium on Low-Power and High-Speed Chips and Systems (COOL Chips 24) was held during April 14-16.

Because of the COVID-19, the COOL Chips 24 was held as a virtual conference.

I made a presentation in the Poster Session. Here are the details of the poster.

  • Jiaheng Liu, Ryusuke Egawa, Mulya Agung, and Hiroyuki Takizawa. “A Conflict-Aware Capacity Control Mechanism for Deep Cache Hierarchy.” 2021 IEEE Symposium on Low-Power and High-Speed Chips and Systems (COOL Chips 24). [Program]




Farewell party for the year 2020 was held

At the end of March, we had a farewell party for the year 2020.
It’s a pity that we couldn’t meet face-to-face for the last time due to the new coronavirus, but it was nice to have a good time with everyone in the lab as usual!
In April, new members will be added to our lab, and we will start our new life at Takizawa Lab.
We wish the seniors all the best in their new positions and the further development of our laboratory!

New server “muffin” was installed

Hello, this is Kaneko.
Recently,  a new server was installed in our laboratory. This server will be equipped with high-end FPGAs and GPUs, and will be used for research.


新サーバー “muffin” 設置




