A consolation party for the graduate school examination was held!

Hello, this is Imai from B4.
The other day, we had a party to celebrate me and Nomura’s (B4) success in passing the graduate school entrance exam over dinner.
It was a very enjoyable party where we could talk about various topics regardless of the grade.
We are going to start our research in earnest from now on, and we will do our best to keep our spirits up.




先日、SX-Aurora TSUBASAシステムに焦点を当てた修士論文の本審査を終えました。

The final review of the master’s thesis was held

Hello, my name is Shubham, an M2 student.
I recently completed my master’s thesis final defense, focusing on the SX-Aurora TSUBASA system.
The defense was challenging but rewarding, as it allowed me to present my research findings and receive valuable feedback from the panel.
I am pleased to announce that I successfully defended my thesis and submitted it by the deadline. I am grateful to my professors and colleagues for their guidance and support throughout this journey.
I will continue to refine my work based on the comments received and look forward to contributing further to this field.

We have presented at SWoPP 2024!

Hello, this is Tanizawa, M1 student.

SWoPP (Summer United Workshops on Parallel, Distributed and Cooperative Processing) was held at Awagin Hall (Tokushima Prefecture Local Culture Hall) in Tokushima Prefecture from 8/7-8/9. Many workshops were held, including the Workshop xSIG (Cross-disciplinary Workshop on Computing Systems, Infrastructures, and Programming) of the Information Processing Society of Japan, the HPC workshop, and the OS workshop.

From our laboratory, M1 students Katayama, Yanai, and Tanizawa presented the following papers at xSIG 2024 and the 195th HPC Workshop held at SWoPP 2024, respectively.

片山 敏伸, 高橋 慧智, 下村 陽一, 滝沢 寛之, “説明可能AI技術によるプログラムの性能モデルの解析”, xSIG 2024, 2024年8月.

柳井 快斗, 高橋 慧智, 下村 陽一, 滝沢 寛之, “タスク間の依存関係を考慮したワークフローのバッチジョブスケジューリング”, xSIG 2024, 2024年8月.

谷澤 悠太, 高橋 慧智, 下村 陽一, 滝沢 寛之, “HPCシステム用ウェブポータルにおけるジョブスケジューラの抽象化”, 研究報告ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティング (HPC), 2023-HPC-195 (9), pp. 1-9, 2024年8月.

Katayama’s presentation received the IEEE Computer Society Japan Chapter xSIG Young Researcher Award, and Yanai’s presentation received the Best Undergraduate Student Award. I would like to follow the example of my two classmates and continue to work hard in my research activities.



8/7-8/9にかけて、徳島県のあわぎんホール(徳島県郷土文化会館)でSWoPP (Summer United Workshops on Parallel, Distributed and Cooperative Processing、並列、分散、協調処理に関するワークショップ)が開催されました。情報処理学会のワークショップxSIG (Cross-disciplinary Workshop on Computing Systems, Infrastructures, and Programming) やHPC研究会、OS研究会など多くの研究会が開催されました。

今回、我々の研究室からはM1の片山くん、柳井くんと谷澤がSWoPP 2024において開催されたxSIG 2024第195回HPC研究会でそれぞれ以下の論文を発表しました。

片山 敏伸, 高橋 慧智, 下村 陽一, 滝沢 寛之, “説明可能AI技術によるプログラムの性能モデルの解析”, xSIG 2024, 2024年8月.

柳井 快斗, 高橋 慧智, 下村 陽一, 滝沢 寛之, “タスク間の依存関係を考慮したワークフローのバッチジョブスケジューリング”, xSIG 2024, 2024年8月.

谷澤 悠太, 高橋 慧智, 下村 陽一, 滝沢 寛之, “HPCシステム用ウェブポータルにおけるジョブスケジューラの抽象化”, 研究報告ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティング (HPC), 2023-HPC-195 (9), pp. 1-9, 2024年8月.

また、片山くんの発表はIEEE Computer Society Japan Chapter xSIG Young Researcher Awardに、柳井くんの発表はBest Undergraduate Student Awardに受賞されました。僕も同期2人を見習って引き続き研究活動に励んでいきたいです。

Open Campus was held!

The other day, an open campus was held at Tohoku University, and Takizawa Lab also held a lab introduction right next to the supercomputer AOBA!
For this open campus, our students implemented a visualization of a flood simulation calculated by AOBA using Unity and showed it to the visitors!
Various people came to the event and were interested in flood simulations and various other research being conducted in Takizawa Lab!
Let’s do our best to show interesting research results at next year’s open campus!



B3 welcome party was held!

Hello! I am Koda, an M2 student.

The other day, we held a welcome party for three new B3 students who joined Takizawa Lab.
We had a BBQ at the welcome party, which was a great opportunity for the students to get to know each other better!

Summer vacation will soon be upon us, so let’s all do our best not to let the summer heat get the best of us!


こんにちは! M2の幸田です.

