PhD2 Hang Cui won the Best Presentation Award at GSIS!

Hi, my name is Hang Cui, and I’m in the second year of my doctoral program.
I attended the PhD student presentation hosted by Graduate School of Information Sciences (GSIS) in Dec. 25, 2023. Students, staff and professors from various fields attended this event. Second year PhD students presented their researches. Attends asked question and gave comments about the presented research.
I am honored to have been one of the students who received a best presentation award. I believe the environment created by this lab helped me a lot in organizing the materials, interacting with the audiences and other skills in a presentation.
I appreciate the opportunity created by GSIS, and I believe the comments from this event can help me improving my research.


こんにちは、博士課程2年の崔 航です。
私は優秀発表賞を受賞した学生の一人になれたことを光栄に思います。この研究室の環境は、資料の整理や 聴衆との対話など、プレゼンテーションのスキルアップに大いに役立ったと思います。

A year-end party was held!

Hello, my name is Tanizawa from B4.
The other day, we held a year-end party in our laboratory. It was the first time for us to have a year-end party in person since the beginning of Corona, but it was fun to get to know a side of the members that we don’t usually see.
I am going to take a good rest at the end of the year and start working hard again next year with a renewed spirit.



Prof. Takizawa gave talks at WSSP 36

Professor Takizawa gave talk at the 36th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance (WSSP36) held on December 11 and 12, 2023.
WSSP is a biannual international workshop jointly organized by Cyberscience Center and High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart. This time, the presenters and audience participated on-site at the Cyber Science Centere. The event was well attended and very exciting.
The program of the workshop is available here.

  • Hiroyuki Takizawa, “Strategy and outlook for expanding the AOBA world”


2023年12月11日と12日に開催された36th Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance (WSSP36) において,当研究室の滝沢教授が講演しました.

WSSPは東北大学サイバーサイエンスセンターとドイツ・シュツットガルト大学高性能計算センター (HLRS) が主催するワークショップです.今回,発表者および聴講者はサイバーサイエンスセンターで現地参加いう形態で開催されました.参加者も多く, 大変盛り上がりました。

  • Hiroyuki Takizawa, “Strategy and outlook for expanding the AOBA world”

Booth exhibition at SC23

I recently attended SC23, one of the largest conferences in HPC. It was my first time attending such a large conference in person and I was amazed at the variety of topics, including ones I had never heard of before!

I really enjoyed listening to some of the talks on healthcare, privacy, and machine learning as well as speaking with some of the presenters. Going through the exhibit hall was also an interesting experience as I had the chance to talk at a more relaxed pace. While I spent most of my time at booths for research institutes, I also had the chance to see how some companies are developing research ideas in to commercial products.

Overall, I had a great time attending the conference. I hope other students get the chance to go to similar conferences and broaden their knowledge on research topics in HPC.







Imoni Festival was held!

We held a Imoni Festival in our laboratory!
We made two kinds, one miso-flavored and the other soy sauce-flavored, and both were delicious!
It was a little cold, but everyone who attended seemed to enjoy it very much!

