We joined Khronos Group

Khronos Group is a non-commercial organization to manage open standards for software development such as OpenGL, OpenCL and SYCL.
Led by our lab, Tohoku University has joined Khronos Group as an academic member.
Our lab will aggressively join the discussions on standard programming models for future HPC systems.
A SYCL implementation we are developing, named neoSYCL, is introduced at Khnoros’s website.
It is also mentioned in an article at HPCwire.

Khronos Groupに参加しました

Khronos GroupはOpenGL、OpenCL、SYCLといったソフトウェア開発環境の標準規格を管理している非営利団体です。
当研究室が主導して、東北大学がKhronos Groupに学術メンバーとして参加しました。

Welcome A100

Hello there~ This is Minglu, a 1st-year master-degree student who still could not forget the impact when we heard our prof was planning to buy an A100 GPU!
Finally, welcome to A100! It was very shining when we were taking it out from the box.
We installed A100 into a server used for RTX 2080Ti temporarily.

Okay, there, I believe you must also be interested in its performance! Let’s figure it out using CIFAR-100 and CNN.
The training time for 20 and 100 epochs are showing in the left figure. Obviously, it is definitely faster than the CPU.
Though it is the same as what I expected that A100 is faster than 2080Ti for 20 epochs, when it comes to 100 epochs, A100 becomes slower instead.
To investigate the reason, we checked the execution time of each step. The results are showing in the right figure. At first few tens of epochs, A100 is fast. But it gets slowing down later.
To our surprise, the reason is because of the temperature 🙁
RTX2080Ti’s temperature was kept around 26 to 40 degrees, while A100’s temperature exceeded 80 degrees in a moment from 34 degrees. (AMAZING!!😨)

In conclusion:
Though A100’s performance is very excellent, we could not fully use it without a good cooling environment. 🙁


とうとう、うちの研究室もA100 GPUを導入しました(。・ω・ノノ゙パチパチ 見た目からのこの輝き本当に凄いですね。
せっかくなので、既存のRTX 2080Tiを搭載したサーバーにA100を追加してみました。



HPC Asia’21において柯さんが発表

1月20日から22日にかけて2021 International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Regionが開催されました。
COVID-19の影響で、HPC Asia 2021はオンライン開催の形式になりました。
Session 2で発表を行いました。詳細は以下の通りです。

  • Ke, Yinan, Mulya Agung, and Hiroyuki Takizawa. “neoSYCL: a SYCL implementation for SX-Aurora TSUBASA.” The International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region. 2021. [Program]


Ke made a presentation at HPC Asia 2021

Hello, this is Ke from Takizawa Lab.
2021 International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region was held from 20 to 22 Jan.
Due to the COVID-19, the HPC Asia 2021 was held as a virtual event.
I made a presentation in Session 2. The details of the presentation are shown as follows.

  • Ke, Yinan, Mulya Agung, and Hiroyuki Takizawa. “neoSYCL: a SYCL implementation for SX-Aurora TSUBASA.” The International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region. 2021. [Program]





New group photo uploaded (2020)

Due to the Covid-19, an online party was held at the end of this year.
We took a screenshot as the new group photo.
Let’s enjoy our life in this lab and research together!

Prof. Takizawa gave a talk at PCCC20

Prof. Takizawa gave a talk at PCCC20 on 15th Dec.
The details of the PCCC20 “The Forefront of Advanced HPC system” symposium are here.
Here are the details of this talk.

