Hello, this is Tanizawa, M1 student.
SWoPP (Summer United Workshops on Parallel, Distributed and Cooperative Processing) was held at Awagin Hall (Tokushima Prefecture Local Culture Hall) in Tokushima Prefecture from 8/7-8/9. Many workshops were held, including the Workshop xSIG (Cross-disciplinary Workshop on Computing Systems, Infrastructures, and Programming) of the Information Processing Society of Japan, the HPC workshop, and the OS workshop.
From our laboratory, M1 students Katayama, Yanai, and Tanizawa presented the following papers at xSIG 2024 and the 195th HPC Workshop held at SWoPP 2024, respectively.
片山 敏伸, 高橋 慧智, 下村 陽一, 滝沢 寛之, “説明可能AI技術によるプログラムの性能モデルの解析”, xSIG 2024, 2024年8月.
柳井 快斗, 高橋 慧智, 下村 陽一, 滝沢 寛之, “タスク間の依存関係を考慮したワークフローのバッチジョブスケジューリング”, xSIG 2024, 2024年8月.
谷澤 悠太, 高橋 慧智, 下村 陽一, 滝沢 寛之, “HPCシステム用ウェブポータルにおけるジョブスケジューラの抽象化”, 研究報告ハイパフォーマンスコンピューティング (HPC), 2023-HPC-195 (9), pp. 1-9, 2024年8月.
Katayama’s presentation received the IEEE Computer Society Japan Chapter xSIG Young Researcher Award, and Yanai’s presentation received the Best Undergraduate Student Award. I would like to follow the example of my two classmates and continue to work hard in my research activities.